Our services.

Our services.

Private tours.

Personalized and exclusive tours designed to meet your unique interests and needs. Options include mountain bike tours, hiking tours, cultural tours, and gravel tours.

Reliable and spacious trucks or vans available for rent, perfect for group travels or transportation needs.

Truck or van rentals.

High-quality mountain and gravel bikes for adventurous rides and exploring rugged terrains.

Mountain and gravel bike rentals.

Weekend lift services to help you reach higher altitudes and enjoy scenic views.

Lift (Saturday and Sunday).

Professional mechanical services for bike maintenance and repairs, ensuring a smooth and safe ride.

Mechanical service.

Cozy cafeteria offering delicious meals, snacks, and beverages to keep you refreshed and energized.

Cafeteria service.

Transierra Norte offers the ultimate tailored adventure on wheels for you and your group!

To Celebrate an special event, any dietary restrictions, or maybe just want a room all for yourself. We got you, get in touch to customize your tour!